The broad-leaved paperbark is a medium to tall tree. It has whitish papery bark, rather like many fine sheets of tissue paper stuck together, hence the common name.
To use, wash and soak in water before adding your ingredients. You can then either tie with string or wrap the whole thing up in alfoil.
Smoked Paperbark Vegetable served with Spicy Bush Relish
Par cook the vegies and then layer into wet paperbark with Swagmans Salt between each layer.
Tie ends with string and then char grill each side for 5 minutes before baking at 180C for 15 minutes.
Cook on either the BBQ or in the oven.
Paperbark can be used as a display for fresh salads, roasts & fish dishes. Use as a wrap (tie with cooking twine) when baking seafood, poultry & red meats. Best used in a slow oven or over hot coals in the barbeque.
Before wrapping, it is suggested that you dampen the bark with cool water to "steam" your contents & also to prevent your wrap burning and/or catching on fire!
The best way to separate individual sheets from the main piece is to soak it in water in a tray for about 5 minutes. This will help reduce tearing of the sheets from the lighter, 'fluffy' bark. The sheets from the heavier 'sticky' bark will come apart more easily from each other once they have been soaked.